Vision and Values


Mission Statement To meet the Educational Needs of Taitoko School community by fostering individual excellence in all curriculum areas, in safe and caring learning environment.
Vision ​Cultural, Creative, Connected Learners.
​Values ​Striving for Excellence, Respect Everyone and Celebrate Cultural Diversity.
I am Safe - I am Respectful - I am a Learner
Dimensions and
Cultural Diversity

Taitoko School's Curriculum will recognise the unique position of Maori, the dual heritage of New Zealand, and New Zealand's cultural diversity. The Board of Trustees will ensure the following takes place:
Consultation with our Maori whanau on charter development, where appropriate

  • Will reflect the unique place of Maori within our policy documentation and curriculum statements to respect New Zealand's cultural diversity.
  • Provide all students the opportunity to understand and experience cultural traditions, language and history.
  • Staff and students will understand why the Treaty of Waitangi has a unique place in New Zealand's history.
Supporters and Sponsors

Parents, please support our local businesses

Super Save - Levin Levin Plumbing & Gas Charlotte Fulford - Tall Poppy Real Estate Levin Family Health Rob Batten - Tremains Jan Sparrow - Harcourts Levin
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